Legal information & credits
Copyright to the design and to all original text and graphics contained in this web site lies with me, Keith W Bell. All other trade names, trademarks and copyrights are the properties of their respective owners.
You may copy or print pages from this site for personal use, without formal permission or charge. You may not copy, reproduce or redistribute any part of this site in any manner for any other purpose without my written permission. You may not copy or reproduce the layout design or associated HTML code and Cascading Style Sheets under any circumstances whatever.
I, Keith W Bell, provide this web site free of charge on an “as is” basis. While I endeavour to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein,
- I do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability or legality of any information contained in my web site.
- I expressly disclaim all warranties, express or implied, relating to my services, or the services of any third parties mentioned on this web site. Details are provided for information purposes only, and I will accept no responsibility for the level of service provided by any third party organisation mentioned on my web site.
- I will not be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, consequential, punitive or special damages, or for any technical problems whatsoever, arising from the use or misuse of my web site or the information found on it.
- I reserve the right to make changes to the information contained within my web site at any time. I advise all visitors to verify information found on my site before acting upon it. Any reliance that you place on the accuracy of information found on my web site is at your own sole risk.
Web site credits
Or, who built this thing?
This web site was carefully crafted by my own fair hand. I have been designing and building web sites since 1996, and I have acquired extensive knowledge of web standards, usability and accessibility matters. Although altogether different from the primary services I am promoting on this site, I do accept commissions to develop web sites and I have produced many sites for businesses and public sector organisations since 2000.
I favour clean, simple, uncluttered layouts, as this site itself exemplifies. I choose the colour palette, graphics and typographic style carefully, to reflect the client’s brand and business image, and to enhance the site’s message rather than get in its way. Key to my development process is focusing on the needs of the target audience. I build sites that are fast and informative, with a logical and clear structure reflected in consistent and intuitive navigation schemes. They are readable in any web browser, and are accessible to disabled as well as non-disabled visitors.
If you might be interested in having me build a web site for you, please feel free to visit the web site of my Edinburgh web design company.